Tumble Cat Poof Poofy Poof

Live at the Schoolhouse
music made by Joshua Vrysen playing accordion, drum machine Rt-123,
prepared tapes of cd noise, rt-123, and organ, super bubble tube,
busted up record player (tinfoil, paper, coins attached)
Breaking World Records CD26/YEAY! YCD4 2003
recorded 2-1-02 on a Marantz by Jeremy and Margaret
Uncle Bert 256 kbps 128 kbps 32 kbps
on earth my Nina 256 kbps 128 kbps 32 kbps
Herman, paging Mr. Herman 256 kbps 128 kbps 32 kbps
friends of friends 256 kbps 128 kbps 32 kbps

Contact Tumble Cat Poof Poofy Poof:
email: tumblecatppp@hotmail.com

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Most recently modified: 8 Mar 2004
Webmaster: Aaron Russell <aaron@suchfun.net>
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